
Sunday, May 22, 2016

endings and beginnings

an ending I have dealt with is my grandma's death it was a tough time for me because at the time I thought she was the only one who cared about me and when she died it was hard to move on but I soon realized that my grandpa cared for me just as much and he was working harder then ever to make sure I was feed and dressed and had a roof over my head and then I got my my brother which was a new beginning for me because I never had a brother before and I didn't know how react but I manged to get through and now it's been 4 years and it wouldn't be the same with out him

daniels story

We must live, and when this is all over, we must work to make the world a better place.  And if we die, we will die knowing that it was not our fault, that we did our best, and we can go to our deaths in dignity… I want you both to live…And to remember...You must choose love.  Always choose love.”

In Daniels story Erika his sister says the quote and inspires him and Rosa (Daniels girlfriend) to move on and not give up. Personally I don't know a lot about this topic but I know mt grandparents did because my grandfather went to America for work and asked my grandma to come along this was a tough choice for her because if she went she would leave all her family in China and live with my grandpa but she ended up going with him to America and it all worked out for them because they woked hard enough for some of the family to come over and live in America and they had two children and those two children gave them 6 grandchildren

Leap year

this year was leap year (yes i know this is late but that's not the point) and my life now compared from now to 4 years ago is very different one thing is the sport i'm doing before I was only doing tennis and soccer but I hated tennis and soccer wasn't that bad but I wasn't really good at it but now I'm doing competition pistol shooting which I absolutely love another thing is that my dressing style has changed a lot before I only wore neon things and jeans now I wear more casual things like a gray shirt and jeans instead of a neon green shirt neon green shorts and neon green shoes but I still act the same

In four years and i'm a senior in high school (hopefully graduating not sure from where) I hope I'd be more mature and go to college and be having most of my life almost figured out but as of right now I have no clue where I'll be but hopefully I'm not stuck in my mom's basement

Photo blog

This is the story about Steve and his worst day fishing

Steve is a regular man with and incredible love for fishing especially squid fishing he goes every Saturday from 10 in the morning till 10 at night but there was one night that he will never forget it was around lunch and he was eating his tuna fish sandwich and had his fishing pole tied to the boat when a pull on the line so he ran as fast as he could to catch what ever was at the end of his line and so he pulled and pulled and pulled till it finally it was no longer submerged under the water and he caught a squid and right when he was about to touch it the squid let out this weird black liquid from it's behind and was dropped into the water and so Steve made a promise that day and it was not to get off this boat until he caught that same squid and so he did for years and years and some say he still on that very same boat till this day


In the topic of testing I've never really cared to much when other people always seemed to moan in hearing there was a spelling or vocab test I would think to myself "you knew it was coming it happens every week it's nothing new" so I never really understood why people complained but that's just me and i'm curios to see what you think about testing but anyway I don't understand why people moaned about weekly test when it's not like we didn't  know it was coming but I understand when its a surprise pop quiz because are just annoying to everyone so that's about it

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Graduate speech

Dear Students, fellow graduates, and facility of Golf Middle School

The last four years have been a big experience in all of our lives there were knew faces there were old faces that left us

let's start with 5th grade with Mrs.Moss, Mrs.Hersug , and Mrs.Feinstein. We were knew to the school but we still had people we knew. we walked through the halls trying to remember what locker numbers and combinations. some made bad decision and some made good decisions but everyone was learning from their experiences soon every thing came so quickly the Geo packets the current events and the spelling and vocab each week some struggled with the weekly homework some didn't but we learned what to do. Then we traveled to Rome, Egypt, and Greece to learn what things were like in ancient times so we pulled up our togas and made presentations on food, houses, and daily life to show to our piers some hated every second of it some loved to be in the spotlight but everyone had fun then we went to Robert crown and that's all i'm gonna say about that and pretty soon the end of the year came so we said our good byes to our teachers and our friends and went onto summer vacation

and now we move onto 6th grade with Mrs.Nelson, Mrs.Grossman, and Mrs.Steadman. This year we were given a little more freedom and independence. In Mrs.Nelson class we had weekly greek and latin roots and spelling for English and a textbook for humanities and in Mrs.Grossman class we had to learn about mass and density in science and learned how to multiply fractions in math and finally in Mrs.Steadman class we had to do read ups and read maniac magie and from there the year moved on quickly and soon once again we said good bye

Now we were in 7th grade with Mrs.Conejo, Mr.Carro, Mr.Carris, Mrs.Maldonado, and Mr.Gilman. This is the year where we become the second oldest in the school the year and where given even more freedom and independence we learned what cells are made of in science and the constitutions in social studies and learning the basics in Español in Spanish and reading the twelve angry men with Mr.Gilman and the dividing fractions with Mr.Carro or even camp McClain we learned team bonding and where ever we went we learned

and now its 8th grade we're are the top of the food chain and given the most independence with the new teacher Mrs.Joyner and the ones we already new like Mr.Carris, Mr.Carro, Mrs.Maldonado we all learned new things like how to properly use quotations in Mrs.Joyner class and learning about diseases in Mrs.Maldonado and learing about WW2 with Mr.Carris or Learning how to graph a slope with Mr.Carro we all still learned even in the play where we played as dwarfs princes and princesses or in feed my starving children we all still learned something new

The take away from all of this is that if you say you have learned nothing from this year or years before you're wrong and those are all the reasons why