
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Present story

Last Christmas I received the most surprising gift from my aunt. It started how my family always opens gifts we go to our spots give each child his or her gift then we all start opening at the same time and the first gift I open is this light rectangle box with colorful wrapping and when I finish unwrapping it there's a cereal box of Christmas captain crunch that's looks like its been opened with a sticky note that says "open me!" and when i open it there's a pile of gift cards to all my favorite places.


My topic for the debate is "should video games be restricted?"  There are many people who believe video games should be age restricted and there are also people who say they shouldn't be restricted. For those who think they should be restricted they say it makes kids to violent cause they see things like war or drugs in them. people who say they shouldn't be restricted say that they help learn problem solving skills and patients. what do you think should video games be restricted or not.

Sunday, December 6, 2015


I like this quote because in my life I've had a lot of ups and a lot of people have hurt me but out of the things that have hurt me I remember the people who have made me smile or laugh more then anything. There have times I've hit rock bottom and the people who made me smile through those times really helped me a lot so this is why I like this quote