
Sunday, March 13, 2016

Diary Post

This is made up from my grandfathers point of view during a war

Dear Diary,

It's been three weeks since I've seen my father last I saw of him was when he was drafted for the war and since then we've had to move to several houses.  The time I've spent here I have learned how to do many things the one that I've done the most is how to plant rice and how to harvest it it's a long process but to me it's worth helping put food on the table

Dear Diary,

Hey it's been awhile since I've last seen you and since then we've moved houses twice now we live with some of my aunts and cousins. It's fun to see them everyday now but we work all day instead of play but we make it as fun as we can even though it's hard work and not always fun but it'll have to do. Father still hasn't been seen to I wonder if he's even alive anymore it's hard to tell since he cant right letters to us.

Dear Diary,

It's been awhile since I've seen my father and I can see mother losing hope in seeing ever again but I remain hopeful that he's still alive I just know he is. Anyway I haven't moved houses since the last time and now I have lots to do all day I have to plant rice water the garden feed the animals and clean the room my family's in since mother is busy taking care of my sister Elisabeth she always getting sick now that is starting to become spring and she always feels under around now

Dear Diary,

Mother starting to get sick so I take her chores because she can't do them anymore so I have to go to the market to buy food for the animals but there's a good thing about it even though I have to walk several miles because there's this beautiful girl there and I mean beautiful she has this silky black hair and she around my age


Dear Dairy,

Today I saw the girl today and I learned her name it's Rebecca anyway I still live at the farm and now my mother stricter then ever now and so did my aunt and uncle but they still scared on whats to come next but they try not to show it but you can see it in there eyes


Dear Diary,

Today I got my first knife from my uncle it looks old I think it's an heirloom but either way it really cool i'm going to pass this on to my grandchildren so they can pass it down for generations and generations


Dear Diary,

The war starting to calm down a little and my mother looking more hopeful either way it's looking better for us and our family maybe soon i'll get to see father again and then we can move to America and maybe we can bring the girl from the market either way everyone looking more hopeful


The war is officially over now and i'm so happy now we can go back home and see our old house and see father after so long maybe we can bring Rebecca along with us cause we've been talking a lot ever since we met and I think she starting to like me either way i'm glad it's over and I cant wait to talk to father again

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