
Monday, February 1, 2016

Food Blog

When I was around 8 or 9 I used to love eating different food from Asia. My favorite was called a "Danta" (daan-tat which are like a Chinese egg custard ) which are still one of my favorites but I prefer a dish
called "Chasiuboa" (cha-s-ew-b-aow a white bun with Chinese style BBQ pork encased on the inside) now

We were heading to Chinatown in Chicago IL with my grandfather when he asked if I wanted to go to the bakery so obliviously I said yes to the question because I wanted some danta.  so when we get there he orders a danta for me but also a mystery for both of us so i'm obviously curious on what it is so when we get to a bench a sit down I scarf down mt danta and my grandfather finishes his slice of green tea cake so i get up and start to walk away toward the park we always go to when were down there when he screams "ETHAN GET BACK OVER HERE NOW" so I run back as fast as I could thinking I was in trouble until he hands me this weird white circular object he told me to eat so I take a bite my eyes go big because I thought it was just a bun but it was filled with one more thing that I thought was blood because it was so red but it that turned out to be BQQ Pork and from that first bite I took several more until I realized it was gone and since that day Chasiuboa as been my favorite bakery snack to get because it was SOOOO GOOD

 Its a danta
 Its a Chasiuboa

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